What Makes a Good Dialog Box?

Creating the perfect dialog box.

Dialog boxes are one of the staple elements of RPGs. They're used to convey what characters are saying in the game world to the player. It's a UI element the player is going to see over and over again, so it's worth doing well! Luckily it's ...

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Seven Sins of the Eternal Dev

Want to avoid development purgatory? Avoid these seven sins.

Develop and ship. That's how games are made. It's a two stage process but most never leave stage one. To release a game you must stop developing and ship. It's hard to do. It's a problem for most developers. To fix a problem it first needs ...

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JIT World Building

JIT World Building.

Computer science has some really rich concepts and metaphors. One idea is the concept of JIT which stands for Just-In-Time, usually in reference to compilers. The meaning is basically this; if you have some expansive body of work, do the bit you need right now and worry about the rest ...

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Look to Pixar

Look to Pixar. How we can look to Pixar to create better RPG stories.

Pixar got something right. That's undeniable. From Toy Story, Up, Wall-E they can reproducibly create wonderful movies that resonate with audiences. They're outliers in the movie; from world creation to character to story. Let's take a critical look at Pixar, ask how they create and see if ...

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Put Your Name on It

Put Your Name on It.

Own your creations. You're making a game, it's your vision and you should announce that. Put it on the title screen, under the title, written as "by Firstname Lastname". It's good for you and it's good for your players. Authors put their names on their books ...

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