Hello, as you probably know if you’re visiting this site, I’m writing a book about how to make an RPG. But it’s not just a book it’s a full game engine, collection of art assets and samples that take you, step by step, from drawing a sprite to a fully featured game. I’m in early access mode at the moment. In early January, after getting some requests, I opened up the product to people interested in purchasing early. This is only available to be on the mailing list at the moment. You can sign up for the mailing list here. There you’ll find details about how to purchase.
That’s the preamble out the way! February I’ve been working hard on continuing to edit the book. This involves creating figures, diagrams and screenshots, rewriting text to be clearer and adding formatting markup. I’m currently in crunch for a game at work so it’s really stealing my editing time; still I’ve managed to get a lot done.
Thank you to everyone who’s reading the book and making games! Additional thanks to everyone who’s got in touch!
Version 0.3 is available as of the 28th February 2016. (If you’ve already purchased you’ll receive an update email shortly or just check the site :))
Where Are We?
The book is divided in to four major parts.
- Introduction / Front Matter
- Exploration
- Combat
- Questing
I’m currently editing the start of the quest section. After that there’s some parts at the front of the book to finish:
- Development Philosophy
- Intro to Lua and some helper classes
- How Games are Structured
- Dinodeck, quick start
Then I need to clean up and release the C++ engine and deal with any issues there.
What’s New in Version 0.3?
Just grinding through the editing.
Here’s an overview of the changes:
- Combat Section Finished
- Edited 4.1, 4.2 on the Quests section
- 10+ new figures and screenshots
What’s Next
The next version will be out on the 3rd of April. Hopefully I’ll have finished or be near the end of editing the Quests section.
I’ve added a Frequently Asked Questions section to the Book page you can check it out [here](https://howtomakeanrpg.com/r/the-book.html
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